Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dutch Blitz

I don't know if you have ever had the painful experience of playing this game with me, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am REALLY good at this game. I am "jump back" unbelievably good. (If you got that Kevin Bacon quote give yourself a pat on the back). And it seems to me, that whenever I tell someone that I'm really good at Dutch Blitz they go off on a tangent about how good they are. How they dominate at Dutch Blitz. How they totally kill, are awesome, amazing, crazy good.

Then I say to them, "No, I don't think you understand. I'm actually REALLY good. And I'm not being rude, or mean when I say this, but you will loose."

They scoff at me, laugh even sometimes, and then we start to play. And about halfway through the game (as I'm kicking butt), some excuse will come out of their lips explaining their lackluster performance. It never fails. In the past three years I have had many people challenge me. And they all have lost.

Last Saturday night was no exception. Me, Bethany and "Gus" (his name has been changed to protect his identity - give yourself another point if you can guess where I got the name Gus from). Final Score: Nikki 103, "Gus" 44, Bethany 1. Slightly embarrassing for him after talking his game up so much. Not quite as embarrassing as 10 minutes later when he found a 'feminine' product on the kitchen table and it took him a second to figure out what it was...


Louise said...

Titter titter.....teehee......Jane would pee herself laughing when reading this one :)

Anonymous said...

two things
1) I laughed out loud when I read that Bethany got 1 point (sorry Bethany, but that's really funny)

2) I actually AM amazing at Dutch Blitz, and I can't believe we've never played before. I might be your first real competition.