Tuesday, April 17, 2007


My life has just gotten better.

There is hope for us yet ladies.

Prince William is once again available.

Like my good friend Christy said once when she liked a boy with a girlfriend "Meh, people break up. " (actually she said 'Meh, people die' but same difference)

Wills, prepare to meet your match. I'll be the queen to your king. And seriously, Canada technically is still part of the British Empire, so think of the political benefits our union would have!


ferin kyra said...

i would go for william except
A) i have a boyfriend
B) strangely enough, i'm related. say no to incest.

Anonymous said...

way ahead of you sister :)
my friend and i were just talking about taking a trip to england ;)

Nikki Gerrits said...

Ferin, How the heck in the world are you blue blooded? I need details here. YOU could hook me up - since you are related and all.

ferin kyra said...

i'm welsh & scottish, but mary queen of scotts, william's like great-graet-great (etc) grandma is like my great-great-great (etc) aunt....creepy.

Christy B said...

in an effort to clear my name.... MICHELLE said 'stuff happens.....people die" I just wholeheadtedly beleived it and went along with it, and maybe secretely thought it could possibly happen to the 'doctor' fiancee of the hunky OPP man WHO gave me his target practcing target saying "to Christy, love Steve" yes LOVE. stuff happens....people marry doctors..

Nikki Gerrits said...

haha you are right. I forgot that it was Michelle, but I rememberd that you were a key player in that conversation. haha.