Thursday, March 31, 2011


I saw something in the UhMurIca last week and it made me laugh. And it got me thinking about air fresheners. Why do we purchase them? I'd say that majority of girls buy air freshener to make things smell nice. (And while I'm talking about this topic, seriously, Febreese Winter Evening & Warmth is the BEST. SMELL. EVER.)

But then I started thinking about when you go over to other peoples house and you see a spray air freshener in the bathroom - especially when it is in plain site. It grosses me out. You wanna know why it grosses me out? Because it is a visual reminder that the person you are visiting poops. And poops on the toilet you are about to use. Call me crazy, but that is not a pleasant thought.

That is the second reason why you will never see air freshener in my bathroom. The first reason being that girl poop doesn't smell.

I wish I had purchased this product last week when I saw it in Seattle because it is brilliant!


It's a product made from essential oils that you spray in the toilet before... you know... you put 'stuff' in it and it will create a barrier for "embarrassing odors."

Spritz the bowl
before you go
and no one else
will ever know

1 comment:

Paul Van Stralen said...

Love it!
Totally reminds me of something. You know how people have Bible verses on the walls of their house? Like, we have, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" in our living room. The very best one I ever saw was a verse from Joshua. The verse was in a cute little frame that was placed on the toilet tank. The verse read, "The Lord is with you wherever you go." I though it was a perfect application, and a nice reminder. I'm sorry I mentioned it to my friends, though. The next time I was over, the verse was gone.