Saturday, March 05, 2011

A Bafflexing Graduation

Yay for Bethany!

This post is a shout-out to my little sister who graduated university yesterday!!!! Wahooo!

If you have ever been past the seventh grade, you have probably been to a graduation. If you have siblings or cousins or friends, you probably have been to more than one graduation.

Agree or disagree with me, but graduations are b.o.r.i.n.g. And I'm not going to lie. I only went to Bethany's because a) I love her, b) she begged me and c) I was promised free cake afterwards.

As far as graduations go, Bethany's was the same as all the other ones. The professors talked too long about boring things while the audience pitty laughed politely when they tried to make jokes. Bethany was the first one to get her diploma and in order to liven the run-of-the-mill ceremony, me, Vanessa, Jane and Louise shouted, hooted, and hollard for an obscenly embarrassing long time. It kept us entertained, embarrassed Bethany to no end, and made all the other cheering sections for the other graduates look weak.

Because Bethany was first, there was really nothing else to look forward to (except the cake obviously). Listening to the names of the other graduates and watching them take their sweet time going across the stage (was it really necessary for each graduate to hug each professor before the next name was called?), was ... well.... boring. Vanessa and I had some hilariously hushed discussions about thongs (and yes, you CAN tell if someone is wearing one graduate number 7), and about how it was gravitationally impossible for graduate number 47s boobs to be that perky! I'm not saying it to be a jerk, or to be judgemental, or to be mean. I'm just saying: How do you get them that high?????? I'm baffled. And perplexed. I'm bafflexed.

Anyways, I sat there, I got my free cake, and was proud that Bethany completed her program.


Louise said...

Definitely a graduation for the scrapbook :)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think we were all bafflexed! Thanks for an awesome day ladies :)