Tuesday, June 19, 2007

funny is better

Here's my thoughts of the day.

What is better? A funny boyfriend/girlfriend or a nice-gentle boyfriend/girlfriend?

Here is my theory.

The nice-gentle significant other:
Will be nice and gentle till you die at say 70.

The funny significant other
Will make you laugh your butt off for yeeears. AND we all know that laughing add years onto your life. So you live - with laughter and - to be like 116. SO the little skills the funny partner has in being gentle and nice, will actually equal, over time, the hard core skills of person number one just spread out over more years.

Yeah? Thats what I think. Funny is better.


ferin kyra said...

i vote for funny.

because mike is niether gentle or nice. haha

Erin said...

hi nikki,
i hope it's okay i respond to this post...i stop by every once in a while to be entertained by your blog. :) this was a fun post. here's my two cents: i kind of wonder if the "funny" stops being funny after 10 years and whether living with someone that everyone else thinks is hilarious but whose humour you are sick of might cancel out the extra years. or maybe that's too cynical. your question is good though--maybe someone who is both is best!