Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Little Survey

Here is a little survey about me. All random things. Things that you probably didn't know.

Fav. Cheese flavour: OLD Cheddar
I have a freckle between the toes on my left foot.
I get stomach aches when I am really tired or really stressed out.
I can always sleep. Anytime, anyplace.
I can not sleep with a repetitive noise around me. (ticking clock, snoring etc.)
I can drive stick shift.
My middle name is Janette, (Juh-net) not Janet (Jan-et)
I have an unusual knowledge of words to songs.
I can spell my name backwards (all three names) in less than 4 seconds.
I don't puke. Ever.
I've never seen the ocean.
I've never been fishing.
I've never waxed my legs.
I don't know my 6, 7 or 8 times tables.
I have serious road rage issues.
I just learned how to use chopsticks in January.
I don't like soft fruit. Ever. (Especially things like pie, jam, booster juice etc)
I really like Roast Beef and Gravy. Like really a lot A LOT.
I don't have a dresser.
I can never justify buying jewlery for myself.
I've never been to the east coast.
I really like ghost stories.
I have to fall asleep facing the door, laying on my stomach with one leg hiked up.
I wear flannel PJ's all year round.
It annoys me when people misspell my first name.


Anonymous said...

Good to know Nicky:> I feel that much closer to you and I feel as if we've bonded in an intense way without even talking face to face. Love ya...Bethany (your friend)

ferin kyra said...

i'm impressed because i knew some of those facts....

we shall remedy the fishing one worries!

Nikki Gerrits said...

f-dog, I'm holding you to the fishing. I'll be grately disappointed if it never happens.

ferin kyra said...

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Wednesday (next) do you want to go fishing before work? Maybe?