Saturday, May 12, 2007

20 Things I like to do.

1. LAUGH. I like it the most bestest of anything.
2. Rub my dogs belly.
3. Restore furniture.
4. Read novels
5. Watch TV and movies
6. Keep up to date on current world and entertainment events.
7. Be friendly
8. Hang out and mentor pre-teens and teens.
9. Hang out with my friends.
10. Play games (but not sport games. I'm talking cards and board games)
11. Drive my car.
12. Clean out the inside of my car.
13. Sing. Sing anything.
14. Sing in my car. Loudly. With made up, unharmonious harmonies.
15. Be in the sun.
16. Nap. Nap. Nap.
17. Tell stories and entertain people.
18. Go to church.
19. Spend time with my family.
20. Make up worst-case-senario and 'what-if-this-happened' stories in
my head.

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