Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Excited & Terrified & My DrySack Killed my iPod so now I am sad.

Despite the epic fail of my dry sack - which really only had two things to do: be a sack and keep things dry, I had a great day today.  I love days off. Don't get me wrong, work is fine. It is important to contribute to society and not milch off the government, but days off are what I live for. Days when I can do what I want, when I want, with whom I want.

Today I wanted to kayak at Bowron lake, at 11am, with myself.

So I did.

And as I drove to the lake through the mountains blasting some excellent Christian Rock, I wondered again how I can live in such an amazing place with such beauty. Blue skies, trees, mountains, rivers, creeks, wildlife, few people, little technology, little connection to the outside world. I love nature. I love being out in it, I love the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, and the water between my fingers and toes. (So long as I can see the bottom - I'm terrified of water where I can't see the bottom - snapping turtles you know). I love paddling until I don't want to paddle anymore (or until I get a blister), finding a random beach and swimming, or napping, or reading, or thinking. I like my alone time with God and nature. The peace, the quiet, the warmth and chillness of being alone on a hidden beach.

I have only one week left here in Wells/Barkerville. One week. I'm excited to leave, and yet terrified as well of the return to 'regular' life in Kamloops. I feel so alive, awake, alert, energetic, happy, relaxed, and united with myself, my community and my God here. As much as I appreciate my job, family, church, and friends in Kamloops, it doesn't provide me with the peace I get being a part of this tiny mountain community. That being said, I do get to vacation for a few days on Vancouver Island before I hit 'back-to-school' mode, and I am looking forward to being with my sisters, parents and bestie again. I miss them.

One more week.

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