Sunday, October 02, 2011

the unanswerable question

Hey Guys,

I have a serious problem. A conundrum if you will. A question that needs answering and a riddle to be solved. I've taken to asking my question to everyone I meet and after a brief moment of serious thought and reflection, no person has been able to give me a straight answer.

I can't sleep, I can't eat (I can't eat? Someone make me some pork - 50 000 bonus points if you can tell me where that quote is from.) I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I'm a failure because I can't solve this one life question. I'm hoping that among my wide-spread audience (all 12 of you), there is someone out there who can answer me this: If I ate myself, would I be twice as big or disappear entirely?

See - - You are thinking about the answer to that question aren't you.

Your welcome for bringing this thought provoking question to your attention.
Happy thinking!

1 comment:

Louise said...

Nikki.....we have already discussed this topic. And I was under the impression you were going to write something FUNNY today. Not disgusting. And SO unrealistic.
This is the first time I have been disappointed in your blog Nikki.....