Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm still LOLing

I actually don't have anything super interesting to say today. But I'm figuring if I want people to keep reading my blog I should keep posting things on a regular basis. And so today, a funny story that I didn't witness, but I wish I did.

This one time, someone I know was clipping her toenails in the living room and putting the clipped nails into a pop can.

Then later, this other person I know came into the room, said "oh! My pop! I forgot about that!" and took a swig of pop before person 1 could stop her.

And then she pulled a massive big-toe-toenail out of her mouth.

I dare you to tell me that you didn't laugh out loud at that.


Louise said...

I chuckled out loud....I laughed and ewwwwed out loud when I heard the story in person :)

Grackilicious said...


PhamFam said...

I laughed out loud...again! The first time was when Janae repeated how you told her this story in the hall today. Justin, however, is completely grossed out.

Anonymous said...

How about training your maternity leave replacement creep, who during a lull in training starts clipping his fingernails in MY OFFICE...while I'm still there. Man, I disliked that guy.
Tante L.