Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dairy Products.

Sometimes I don't understand how I come from the family I come from.

Don't get me wrong, I love them to pieces, they are fantastic. But sometimes... just.... how?????

We have a tradition in my immediate family where we get together on occassion for family dinners. Usually at my parents place, usually it involves some great mom-made-food and it always involves quite  a bit of joking around and laughing.

The other night was no different. We were sitting around the table sharing about our lives and giggling, eating our salad when Vanessa pipes up, "This cheese is weird. It's fine, just kinda has a weird taste and consistency."

"Uh... that's because it is egg, not cheese." I interject.

"Oh whatever Nikki," my mom says, "they are both dairy products, I can see why she would get confused."

I raise my brow and look at her. She continues eating. No one says anything. I look at my sisters, deadpan expressions on their faces. I look at my dad, he gives me the "really? She said that? And no one is questioning it?" look.

I start sniggering. Which sets my dad off. My mom and sisters sit there oblivious. Finally I have to break out in laughter and tell them that eggs and cheese are both NOT dairy products. Then Mom, and Vanessa realize their blunder and giggle along with us.

Minutes go by. New topics come up. Bethany looks up from her plate, "So... I don't get why that was funny. The thing about cheese and eggs not being diary products. They are both dairy right?"

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